Knowledge is Power
To save energy (and money), you first need to know how your home uses energy. A home energy assessment reviews your home’s systems and identifies where you’re using and losing energy. An energy assessment can be as simple as using Florida Power & Light’s online Energy Analyzer or scheduling a free in-home energy survey with an FPL energy expert. Or, for a detailed approach, you can use the Home Energy and Water Evaluation Guide— an in-depth, step-by-step DIY kit to evaluate energy use in your home.
Cost: Free
If you are already an FPL customer, your personal FPL Energy Analyzer is the quickest way to understand how much energy you are using. Using data from your home’s FPL account, you can see precisely what’s driving your energy use, through an itemized breakdown of your energy costs by appliance. You can also see how your energy use compares to your neighbors and get customized energy-saving tips and recommendations.
Cost: Free
Requesting a free Home Energy Survey in your home by an FPL energy expert is a convenient, easy way to find out the energy efficiency of your home. An FPL Energy Expert will:
Appointments with an FPL energy expert last about an hour and can also be conducted over the phone.
Schedule your free Home Energy Survey by calling 1-800-DIAL-FPL (1-800-342-5375).
Image via FPL.
Cost: Free
Handy homeowners can check out Sarasota County’s Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Assessment Kits, available at Sarasota County Libraries. The Kit provides tools and a step-by-step Home Energy Evaluation Guide for analyzing your household energy use and estimating savings from various solutions.
Take a free self-paced online class.
Download the Home Energy Evaluation Guide.
Visit the library catalog to reserve your kit for pickup at a local library.
Don’t have a library card number? Sign up to get instant access to reserve items and check-out digital resources. When you pick up the Kit, you will need to show identification with proof of residence. Reciprocal and visitor library cards are also available.
Now that you know your electricity use, you can estimate your household electricity footprint using this handy Emissions Calculator. The calculator generates your household emissions profile based on the mix of fuels used to generate electricity in Florida.
To offset one year of your household C02 emissions form electricity use would require:
0 acres of forests growing for one year
0 tree seedlings growing for 10 years
This free online class will teach you cost-saving energy and water conservation strategies. Participants receive a free Do-It-Yourself Energy Saving Kit (one per household) with ENERGY STAR LED light bulbs, WaterSense faucet aerators, a smart power strip, weatherizing materials, outlet insulating gaskets, and other useful goodies. You’ll also learn low and no-cost tips that, combined with the kits, can reduce your household energy costs as much as $560 per year. Take the pre-recorded class at your own pace. Or register for a live class.
Sarasota County “Energy Coach” Volunteers share their knowledge and passion for smart energy use by providing consultations with community members, performing assessments and installations, and participating in community events. The training for Energy Coaches includes low- and no-cost energy upgrade options, local energy equity, and hands-on experience with industry professionals. To learn more and inquire about training dates, contact or 941-861-9829.
Find out what’s happening and join in with our comprehensive community events listing.
An energy assessment is a great first step to help you save energy and can be as simple as using Florida Power & Light’s free online Energy Analyzer. It only takes a few minutes to login and see your results. Scheduling a free in-home energy survey with an FPL energy expert takes about an hour. The DIY approach using the free Home Energy and Water Evaluation Kit available from local libraries will walk you through your home systems step-by-step, and it might take a few hours altogether.
Because most homes and businesses still get their energy from non-renewable fossil fuels, like natural gas, saving energy helps reduce the environmental impacts of fossil fuel extraction and burning. This means less habitat and species disturbance from mining, less air and water pollution from extraction and burning. Saving energy and using less fossil fuels also means we are not adding as many greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which reduces the direct driver of climate change. Lastly, power plants that burn fossil fuels use a lot of freshwater (as steam) to turn turbines and make electricity. About 40% of all the water withdrawn from lakes and rivers in the U.S. is used for energy related processes. So saving energy also saves water!
Submit your energy-related question to local energy experts. If selected, they will answer and feature your question on our FAQ. Not all questions will be answered. Please note that customer service questions should be directed to your utility provider.
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