Most of Florida’s electricity is generated by burning imported natural gas that releases 100 million tons of climate warming carbon dioxide annually. Only 5% of the Sunshine State’s electricity is generated from renewable sources. Florida homes consume more than half of all the electricity used in our state so as a homeowner, you can play a big role in our clean energy future. Improving home energy efficiency to reduce energy use and installing home rooftop solar for clean renewable energy is easier than you think.
Saving energy means saving money. But you can’t do either without understanding how much electricity you use now, and where you’re using it. For most people, heating and cooling costs make up about half of their utility bills, so even small adjustments can have a big impact. A home energy assessment will help you quantify your current energy use. It can be as simple as using an online calculator linked to your FPL account, or scheduling a free in-home survey by an FPL energy expert. You can even do it yourself using a detailed step-by-step assessment kit available for check-out from local libraries.
Making your home more energy efficient is an investment, not an expense, since it pays dividends in lower electric bills. And, you can feel good about helping to slow global warming and keep our air clean – that’s a dividend we all can use. There are many free and low-cost ways to conserve energy, while making your home safer and more comfortable. We’ve sifted through the options to find the easiest and most effective actions. Our top tip: Tackle the biggest power hogs first: air conditioners, water heaters, pool pumps, entertainment systems, and always-on electronics.
Installing solar panels is a smart investment with a guaranteed return for you and the environment. Plus, we live in the Sunshine State so solar is a natural fit. Solar photovoltaic systems are becoming much more affordable—there are even federal tax credits and attractive $0-down financing options that yield significant savings. If you’re not ready to go solar yet, you can still support solar in your community by donating to local non-profits so they can make the switch to solar. Helping them helps all of us reduce our reliance on fossil fuels to power our energy grid.
“When I first moved to Sarasota, I noticed that the water in my apartment was abnormally hot. So, I powered up Florida Power and Light’s Energy Analyzer and Dashboard to take a closer look. As I suspected, the #1 savings recommendation on the Analyzer’s list of tips was to reduce my water heater’s temperature from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 deg F. I then contacted my leasing office to have a maintenance worker adjust the temperature setting to the recommended 120 deg F. Since then, I have noticed a significant decrease in my monthly energy demand and bills.”
— Alia Garrett
Please tell us about your energy-related success story. Here are a few questions to get you started: What changes are you making? Why? What has the process been like? What’s the impact? If selected, we will contact you for an interview to develop a feature story on the Green Living Toolkit.
Personal Benefits
Community Benefits
Improved home comfort and air quality; better rest with less fatigue; fewer headaches, allergies, and respiratory problems; personal satisfaction of protecting the planet.
Reduced energy bills and longer lifespan for appliances and equipment with minimal effort and little or no cost. Energy efficiency is an investment, not an expense.
Higher selling price for energy-efficient homes than standard homes.
Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and particulates that cause air pollution, water pollution, and global warming. Less damage from fossil fuel resource extraction and distribution.
Lower overall utility costs and a healthier environment helps the whole community prosper and increases energy self-sufficiency and independence from future utility rate increases.
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