Indoors, Outdoors, and In Your Neighborhood

How do I reduce polluted runoff from my yard?

Stormwater runoff from neighborhoods is the number one source of pollution in local creeks and bays, mainly because there is simply so much rainwater that flows off properties and picks up pollutants along the way. However, there are several ways to reduce the environmental impact of your yard:

  • Never dump anything into the gutter or down storm drains. They are a direct link to local bays, streams, ponds and wetlands.
  • Pick up after your pet and dispose of it in a trash can or flush it down the toilet. Pet waste that is left on streets, sidewalks, yards, or parks can easily wash into nearby waterways, adding harmful bacteria that can make the water unsafe for swimming and contributing nutrients that fuel algae blooms.
  • Use fertilizers sparingly and sweep driveways and sidewalks after application. Skip the fertilizer entirely in the summer when heavy rains can wash into storm drains, ponds, lakes and bays. Leave grass clippings on your lawn – they are free fertilizer – or compost them to make “black gold” that you can spread on your landscape to improve your soil.
  • Plant trees and plants that can help filter and soak up water before it leaves your property.


Easy Steps to Reduce Polluted Runoff